Term of Service

Welcome to Diamond Worldwide Transportation!

We’re thrilled to have you onboard. Please read our service terms carefully, as they outline important details about bookings, payments, and your overall experience with us. By using our services, you agree to these terms.
¹Guarantee applies only to the original reservation and does not apply if any changes to the original reservation have been made. The address of the pickup location must be accurate. The guarantee is void if the type of vehicle requested does not accurately reflect the type of vehicle actually required.

General Terms

1. Bookings & Availability
2. Payment Policies
3. Hourly Service & Overtime Charges
4. Holiday & Long-Distance Surcharges

Travel beyond a 45-mile radius from our garage may incur additional mileage fees and Travel Time.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

1. Airport Transfers
2. Hourly Rentals & Events
3. How to Cancel or Change Reservations

All cancellations or changes must be confirmed by a written response from us. Contacting the driver directly is not allowed for these changes.

Cleaning & Damage Fees

1. No eating or smoking is permitted in our vehicles.

2. Smoking will result in a $600 cleaning fee.

3. A $500 cleaning fee applies if the vehicle requires cleaning due to sickness.

4. You are responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle during your rental.

Waiting Times & Extra Stops

1. Airport Pickups
2. Additional Stops

Safety & Conduct

1. Illegal substances are strictly prohibited. If any are observed, service will be terminated without refund.

2. Standing through sunroofs or other unsafe behavior is not permitted.

3. Misconduct may result in immediate service termination with no refund.


1. Diamond Worldwide Transportation is not responsible for delays due to traffic, weather, or other unforeseen events. We will notify clients if such events affect your schedule.

2. In case of vehicle malfunctions, a comparable replacement vehicle will be provided as soon as possible.

3. We are not responsible for items left in vehicles but will make reasonable efforts to return found items.

Final Agreement

By using our services, you agree to these terms. If you have concerns or complaints, please contact us within 12 hours of your trip’s completion. Written complaints must be received to process any claims. Thank you for choosing Diamond Worldwide Transportation! We’re excited to be part of your journey.
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